
Cosmetic Dentistry with the Specialists

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t something that all dentists in Frederick are able to do. While this dental specialty isn’t recognized as such by the American Dental Association it truly is.

It is a specialty that takes additional training. That additional education provides patients with porcelain veneers and other types of cosmetic dentistry solutions.

Furthermore, a good cosmetic dentist also takes your bite and jaw joints into account before recommending cosmetic dentistry.

Your Bite and Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Richard Rogers and Dr. Trevor Maples will evaluate your bite and temporomandibular joints before proceeding with cosmetic dentistry. Your TMJ is what hinges your jaws together.

If your TMJ is out of alignment your restorations will be affected. In addition a bad bite, such as a cross or overbite, will make things hard on your veneers, crowns and dental fillings.

Because people with bite and joint issues tend to clench and grind, known as bruxism, the restorations and natural teeth take more force than usual.

While your teeth are just as strong as your bones they will not handle constant grinding and neither will your dental restorations.

Your Chewing System and Cosmetic Dentistry

A good cosmetic dentist in Frederick checks your teeth and gums but that’s not all. Dr. Richard Rogers and Dr. Trevor Maples will examine your chewing system as well as your teeth and gums.

A thorough examination of your jaw joints, bite, cheeks, neck and oral cavity helps the two doctors from Yellow Springs Dental make recommendations, especially if your bite or jaw joints are out of alignment.

Oral Appliance Therapy

If your jaw joints and/or bite aren’t doing you any favors, your dentist in Frederick will recommend solutions to correct the problem.

For instance, oral splints and mouth guards just might do the trick as the gently move the TMJ and bite back into the proper position.

This is most important as it will give you and your smile a longer life. A longer life because you will no longer be clenching and grinding your new veneers or cosmetic dental crowns.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Frederick

If you are unhappy with your smile send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Yellow Springs Dental in Frederick today.

Don’t feel like waiting? No problem as you can get recommendations before sitting in the dental chair. With the Virtual Smile Design tool you can talk to Dr. Maples and Dr. Rogers without leaving the comfort of your home.

Find out more about the Virtual Smile Design tool now.

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